PRE-SIGHTED HOME: TBDBUILDING DATE: TBDLot Size: 656.8ft. x 690.32ft. x 617.39ft. x 429.03ft. x 180.6ft. x 247.19ft. x 71.38ft. x 73.84ft. x 16.65ft. x 296.27ft. x 190.91ft. x 167.14ft. x 1149.07ft. x 342.98ft. x 21.74ft. x 267.21ft. x 198.9ft. x 1670.34ft. Lot...

There are two properties located on Trent Valley Road in Cramahe Township.
Trent Valley North, Cramahe
PRE-SIGHTED HOME: TBDBUILDING DATE: TBDLot Size: 1115.38ft. x 2296.04ft. x 1080.68ft. x 440.92ft. x 100.07ft. x 2802.45ft. Lot Measurement Accuracy : LOW These lot boundaries may have been adjusted to fit within the overall parcel fabric and should only be considered...